Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sookie's first time outside!

  While in FL, the weather was beauutiful. I took Sookie out for the first time and she was a bit confused. Before I even took her outside, while still in the car- but in FL, I was surprised to see she was awake around 10 am or so. Her little nose was sniffing away (we had the windows down). I took her out on the porch later and again she popped her little head out and was sniffing away at all the new smells (needless to say when I cleaned her wheel and litter pan each morning I saw that she anointed almost daily). Anywho back to her first venture outside: I put her down and she refused to move so I took away her blankie to encourage her to take in her surroundings. She did. She took a few steps and warily sniffed the grass (by the way, I really dont like the stiff FL grass). I moved about a foot away and she followed me. She was only on the ground for a few minutes and then we had to go.

  The second day she did the cutest thing. I did the same thing in taking her blanket and moved about a foot or so away. She sniffed around and walked a little bit. I moved a little bit further away and then all of a sudden she ran over to my feet and tried to climb up my foot! My heart melted. I finally feel like she trusts me and I'm her momma. 

  She did it again a different day. She also ate some grass and probably dirt. As they say, ' a little dirt doesnt hurt'. I was sitting on the ground this time and she tried to climb up my thigh and then tried to hide underneath my leg. I got up and she tried to climb my foot again. :) too cute

Some random sniffing photos:


  1. I really enjoy your blog. The stories about Sookie are interesting and real. The pictures are fabulous! The clarity and the detail make me review them more than once! I also like the extra items: carriers, yarnwork, etc. Most of all, I like Sookie. She is so beautiful!!!


  2. Thank you! that's such a compliment! I'm glad you like the blog and Sookie. I'll have to keep this up for a long time then now that I know someone besides myself looks at it haha. She is beautiful :)
