Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sookie won #1 place!

I entered Sookie into a photo contest this month. The theme was summer and what says summer more than watermelon? Plus she loves watermelon. Top 3 winners win a brand new wheel (which are expensive and she needs a new one). The first round of judging was a public poll that determined the top 20 which went to the next round. She wasn't winning in that, but not losing either. Then the second round went to certain judges which ultimately picked the winners. I didn't think she was going to win and I forgot that the results were being posted today. My sister was using my step mom's laptop and the result site popped up and we were all pleasantly surprised! I went and woke her up to hug her and am cooing her (much to her annoyance). She's getting extra worms and watermelon tonight! Yay congrats to her and the rest of the contestants! There were so many cuties entered :D

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Sookie's Adventurous Day!"

For my Independent Study for the summer, I wrote a little short story about Sookie escaping and exploring my backyard for the day. It's like a children's book. So I wrote 8 verses in which I'll illustrate 8 scenes depicting each verse. Sounds Fun eh? Here it is:

" Curious Sookie snuck out of her blanket while her Momma is not paying attention. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do but that didn't bother her. She wanted to explore! 

She was unfamiliar with her surroundings but she heads over to this very odd thing with a big opening. 
(a bucket) Nothing was in there but some sand and rocks. She wondered why everything around her seemed gigantic and a lot louder.
(this is referencing to my niece and nephews sand box)

So she keeps going through the large green forest until she finds some tasty worms and decides to search for more. Sookie loves worms! But her Momma says she can only have a few a day or else she would never eat her good food and that's not good. Thinking of her Momma made her a little uneasy about being out in the open. She felt like she should be back, safe in her Momma's arms. She pushed that thought aside when she heard a ruffling noise...

All of a sudden, a very big creature walks out of the bushes! Sookie had never seen a chicken before. The chicken told her,"I am Latifah and I am Queen of the chicken coop". Latifah warns Sookie to be careful of those frightening dogs - that they'll try to eat her!
(I have chickens)

Sookie thanks her and decides to move along. A little nervous and scared, she makes her way over to three small people. They call themselves gnomes and they keep guard over the plants and yard. One friendly gnome, named Bert, told Sookie how to find her way back to her Momma.

Bert guides her over to a gigantic bowl of water. Curious, She gets on a large floating thing. As she got on, she was startled by a Trigger Fish who had come to the surface to meet them. The gnome explained to Sookie that the fish's same was Percy (but everyone calls him Rev) and that he would guide her to the other side of the pool. Bert gives her a great big push and Sookie starts floating away! She soars through the water to the edge of the pool. Sookie sure had fun doing that! She hopped off and thanked Rev for helping her.
(my pool)

She scuttles through a very tall cage into a garden. She was so excited! There were lots of bugs and worms to eat! She spent a long time rummaging around until she was full. The sun was not as high in the sky and she was getting sleepy. Sookie really missed her Momma (and blanket) and wished she could find her way back. She was starting to get scared that she was lost.

She heard something calling her name in the distance. She ran closer to the voice and realized it was her Momma! She ran even faster and she shout back, but her Momma could not hear her small voice. Her Momma's voice was getting louder so she knew she was getting close!

Finally, her Momma spotted her! She swooped Sookie up and held her tight. She cooed and rocked her back and forth. Sookie was so happy to be home! She then snuggled back into her favorite blankie and quickly fell asleep. Yes, she was happy to be home. "

It's nowhere near perfect and I'm still editing it. As you can tell it switches perspectives because I'm not sure how I want it yet. I'm still thinking of a title so I'm open to suggestions! :D Any input is appreciated!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another New T-shirt!

I just received my second hedgie shirt. I'm starting to accumulate a collection and now I have two shirts in it. You should get it!

Friday, May 27, 2011

First time outside in NY

I took Sookie outside for the first time here in NY. It's been so nice out so I wanted to take advantage. Its also been good for her skin: way less scratching and lost quills. But it was good for her. She didnt like the passing cars but she did ok. Lots of new smells!:

she tried to burrow into my sandal. it was both tickley and prickly

making a run for it! However when I called to her she stopped. I kept making my dumb baby noises and she turned around and ran over to my feet <3

trying to climb up. (sorry for the crotch shots)

peeking out from under my leg! so cute!

trying the burrow under my thigh.

Then to end our outside time I put her in her sleep sack and read the new Sookie Stackhouse novel ;) It was a good first day!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo of the Day

I think I'm going to start having a 'Photo of the Day' (at least on the days I have time or remember). So my first is of an adorably scrumptious kitten my friend Elana took. Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finally! She's really sleeping

After 6 months of attempts to get sleeping Sookie photos I succeeded. I wish I could have taken them with my camera but all I had handy was my phone. But they're still cuuttteeee <3

d'awww squishy facceeee

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I was trying to be sneaky and get a picture of Sookie passed out. It didnt work because she decided to face the opposite way than where I placed her. They're a bit blurry and you can see the spot where she anointed (because of my blanket). One day, I will get one of her in deep sleep. She's such a light sleeper!